Am I covered for complications of pregnancy and childbirth?

We provide cover under this policy if something unexpected happens. We do not consider pregnancy or childbirth to be an illness or injury.

Cover is automatically provided under section 1 (Cancellation), section 2 (Curtailment) and section 6 (Medical emergency expenses) for complications of pregnancy and childbirth which existed at the time of taking out this policy or developed at a later stage, provided your Doctor and midwife are aware of your travel plans and that you are not travelling against medical advice. Childbirth in or after the 32nd week for a single pregnancy (or 24th week for a multiple pregnancy) is not a complication and is not covered under any section of this policy.

Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are defined as:

  • Toxaemia – toxins in the blood
  • Gestational diabetes – diabetes arising as a result of pregnancy
  • Gestational hypertension – high blood pressure arising as a result of pregnancy
  • Pre-eclampsia – where you develop high blood pressure, carry abnormal fluid and have protein in your urine during the second half of pregnancy
  • Ectopic pregnancy – a pregnancy that develops outside of the uterus
  • Molar pregnancy or Hydatidiform mole – a pregnancy in which a tumour develops from the placental tissue
  • Post-partum haemorrhage – excessive bleeding following childbirth
  • Retained placenta membrane – part or all of the placenta is left behind in the uterus after delivery
  • Placental abruption – part or all of the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum – excessive vomiting as a result of pregnancy
  • Placenta praevia – when the placenta is in the lower part of the uterus and covers part or all of the cervix
  • Stillbirth
  • Miscarriage
  • Emergency caesarean section
  • A termination needed for medical reasons
  • Premature birth more than 8 weeks (or 16 weeks if you know you are having more than one baby) before the expected delivery date.


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