How do I make a non emergency claim?

Making a claim online is the quickest and easiest way to process your claim.

If your policy was purchased on our InsureandGo website or through our Call Centre:

  • Your claims handler is Claims Settlement Agency Ltd. (CSA)
  • You can make a claim via
  • Alternatively, you can call CSA to request a claims form on 01702 427215
  • CSA are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm (excluding Bank holidays)

For queries on existing claims, contact CSA on 01702 427215.

If your policy was purchased through MoneySuperMarket:

  • Your claims handler is Reactive Claims
  • You can make a claim via
  • Alternatively, you can call Reactive Claims to request a claims form on 01420 579029
  • Reactive Claims are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays)

For queries on existing claims, contact Reactive Claims on 01420 579029 or email address: Reactive Claims Limited, PO Box 353, Alton, GU34 9LE

Please ensure you notify the claims team within 30 days of your trip ending of any occurrence likely to give rise to a claim.


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